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A Computational Study Using Time Reversal Focusing for Hyperthermia Treatment Planning
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 73, 117-130, 2017
In hyperthermia treatment planning (HTP) the goal is to find the amplitudes and phases of antennas in the applicator to efficiently heat the tumor. To do this prior information regarding tumor characteristics such as the size, position and geometry, in addition to an exact model of the hyperthermia applicator is needed. Based on this information, the optimal frequency of operation can be determined. In this paper the optimum frequency for hyperthermia treatment based on the tumor and applicator characteristics, using time reversal as the focusing technique, is studied. As prior information, we consider tumor size and position, the number of the antennas in the applicator and the frequency characteristics. The obtained optimal frequency range is found using hyperthermia quality indicator values calculated from simulations. We also determine the optimum position of the virtual source in the initial step of the time reversal method to increase the quality of the treatment.
Pegah Takook, Hana Dobsicek Trefna, Xuezhi Zeng, Andreas Fhager, and Mikael Persson, "A Computational Study Using Time Reversal Focusing for Hyperthermia Treatment Planning," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 73, 117-130, 2017.

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