Vol. 64
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Mechanically Tunable Wire Medium Metamaterial in the Millimeter Wave Band
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 64, 93-98, 2016
The paper is devoted to experimental and theoretical study of spectra zone characteristics of the wire medium metamaterial with mechanically tunable unit cell. We experimentally demonstrated the effective control possibility of the spectral characteristics of wire medium metamaterial by varying its elementary unit-cell geometry. We established conditions under which the experimental implementation of the wire medium metamaterial at microwaves possesses the properties of a plasma-like medium and the properties band gap structure. A good agreement between the experiment and theory is demonstrated.
Liubov Ivzhenko, Eugene Odarenko, and Sergey I. Tarapov, "Mechanically Tunable Wire Medium Metamaterial in the Millimeter Wave Band," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 64, 93-98, 2016.

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