Department of Optics and Quantum Electronics
University of Szeged
HomepageDepartment of Optics and Quantum Electronics
University of Szeged
Homepage1. Hadfield, R. H., J. L. Habif, J. Schlafer, R. E. Schwall, and S. W. Nam, "Quantum key distribution at with twin superconducting single-photon detectors," Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 89, 241129, 2006.
2. Takesue, H., S. W. Nam, Q. Zhang, R. H. Hadfield, T. Honjo, K. Tamaki, and Y. Yamamoto, "Quantum key distribution over a 40-dB channel loss using superconducting photon-detectors," Nature Photonics, Vol. 1, 343, 2007.
3. Honjo, T., S. W. Nam, H. Takesue, Q. Zhang, H. Kamada, Y. Nishida, O. Tadanaga, M. Asobe, B. Baek, R. Hadfield, S. Miki, M. Fujiwara, M. Sasaki, Z. Wang, K. Inoue, and Y. Yamamoto, "Long-distance etanglement-based quantum key distribution over optical fiber," Optics Express, Vol. 16, 19118, 2008.
4. Hadfield, R. H., "Single-photon detectors for optical quantum information applications," Nature Photonics, Vol. 3, 696, 2009.
5. Eisaman, M. D., J. Fan, A. Migdall, and S. V. Polyakov, "Invited review article: Single-photon sources and detectors," Review of Scientific Instruments, Vol. 82, 071101, 2011.
6. Natarajan, C. M., M. G. Tanner, and R. H. Hadfield, "Superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors: Physics and applications," Superconductor Science and Technology, Vol. 25, 063001, 2012.
7. Bonneau, D., M. Lobino, P. Jiang, C. M. Natarajan, M. G. Tanner, R. H. Hadfield, S. N. Dorenbos, V. Zwiller, M. G. Thompson, and J. L. Obrien, "Fast path and polarization manipulation of telecom wavelength single photons in lithium niobate waveguide devices," Physical Review Letters, Vol. 108, 053601, 2012.
8. Najafi, F., J. Mower, N. C. Harris, F. Bellei, A. Dane, C. Lee, X. Hu, P. Kharel, F. Marsili, S. Assefa, K. K. Berggren, and D. Englund, "On-chip detection of non-classical light by scalable integration of integration of single-photon detectors," Nature Communications, Vol. 6, 5873, 2014.
9. Kerman, A. J., E. A. Dauler, W. E. Keicher, J. K. W. Yang, K. K. Berggren, G. Goltsman, and B. Voronov, "Kinetic-inductance-limited reset time of superconducting nanowire photon counters," Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 88, 111116, 2006.
10. Rosfjord, K. M., J. K. W. Yang, E. A. Dauler, A. J. Kerman, V. Anant, B. M. Voronov, G. N. Goltsman, and K. K. Berggren, "Nanowire single-photon detector with an integrated optical cavity and anti-reflection coating," Optics Express, Vol. 14, 527, 2006.
11. Robinson, B. S., A. J. Kerman, E. A. Dauler, R. J. Barron, D. O. Caplan, M. L. Stevens, J. J. Carney, S. A. Hamilton, J. K. W. Yang, and K. K. Berggren, "781 Mbit/s photon-counting optical communications using a superconducting nanowire detector," Optics Letters, Vol. 31/4, 444, 2006.
12. Robinson, B. S., A. J. Kerman, J. K. W. Yang, K. M. Rosfjord, V. Anant, B. Voronov, G. Gol'tsman, and K. K. Berggren, "Multi-element superconducting nanowire single-photon detector," IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, Vol. 17, 279, 2007.
13. Anant, V., A. J. Kerman, E. A. Dauler, J. K. W. Yang, K. M. Rosfjord, and K. K. Berggren, "Optical properties of superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors," Optics Express, Vol. 16, 10750, 2008.
14. Dorenbos, S. N., E. M. Reiger, N. Akopian, U. Perinetti, V. Zwiller, T. Zijlstra, and T. M. Klapwijk, "Low noise superconducting single photon detectors on silicon," Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 93, 161102, 2008.
15. Divochiy, A., F. Marsili, D. Bitauld, A. Gaggero, R. Leoni, F. Mattioli, A. Korneev, V. Seleznev, N. Kaurova, O. Minaeva, G. Gol'tsman, K. G. Lagoudakis, M. Benkhaoul, F. Lévy, and A. Fiore, "Superconducting nanowire photon-number-resolving detector at telecommunication wavelengths," Nature Photonics, Vol. 2, 302, 2008.
16. Dauler, E. A., A. J. Kerman, B. S. Robinson, J. K. W. Yang, B. Voronov, G. Goltsman, S. A. Hamilton, and K. K. Berggren, "Photon-number resolution with sub-30-ps timing using multi-element superconducting nanowire single photon detectors," Journal of Modern Optics, Vol. 56, 364, 2009.
17. Marsili, F., D. Bitauld, A. Fiore, A. Gaggero, R. Leoni, F. Mattioli, A. Divochiy, A. Korneev, V. Seleznev, N. Kaurova, O. Minaeva, and G. Goltsman, "Superconducting parallel nanowire detector with photon number resolving functionality," Journal of Modern Optics, Vol. 56, 334, 2009.
18. Miki, S., M. Takeda, M. Fujiwara, M. Sasaki, and Z. Wang, "Compactly packaged superconducting nanowire single-photon detector with an optical cavity for multichannel system," Optics Express, Vol. 17, 23557, 2009.
19. Baek, B., J. A. Stern, and S. W. Nam, "Superconducting nanowire single-photon detector in an optical cavity for front-side illumination," Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 95, 191110, 2009.
20. Bitauld, D., F. Marsili, A. Gaggero, F. Mattioli, R. Leoni, S. J. Nejad, F. Lévy, and A. Fiore, "Nanoscale optical detector with single-photon and multiphoton sensitivity," Nano Letters, Vol. 10, 2977, 2010.
21. Gaggero, A., S. J. Nejad, F. Marsili, F. Mattioli, R. Leoni, D. Bitauld, D. Sahin, G. J. Hamhuis, R. Nötzel, R. Sanjines, and A. Fiore, "Nanowire superconducting single-photon detectors and GaAs for integrated quantum photonic applications," Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 97, 151108, 2009.
22. Marsili, F., F. Najafi, E. Dauler, F. Bellei, X. Hu, M. Csete, R. J. Molnar, and K. K. Berggren, "Single-photon detectors based on ultra-narrow superconducting nanowires," Nano Letters, Vol. 11, 2048, 2011.
23. Csete, M., Á. Sipos, F. Najafi, X. Hu, and K. K. Berggren, "Numerical method to optimize the polar-azimuthal orientation of infrared superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors," Applied Optics, Vol. 50/31, 5949, 2011.
24. Hu, X., E. A. Dauler, R. J. Molnar, and K. K. Berggren, "Superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors integrated with optical nano-antennae," Optics Express, Vol. 19, 17, 2011.
25. Csete, M., Á. Sipos, F. Najafi, and K. K. Berggren, "Optimized polar-azimuthal orientations for polarized light illumination of different superconducting nanowire single-photon detector designs," Journal of Nanophotonics, Vol. 6/1, 063523, 2012.
26. Csete, M., A. Szalai, Á. Sipos, and G. Szabó, "Impact of polar-azimuthal illumination angles on efficiency of nano-cavity-array integrated single-photon detectors," Optics Express, Vol. 20/15, 17065, 2012.
27. Akhlaghi, M. K., H. Atikian, A. Eftekharian, M. Loncar, and A. H. Majedi, "Reduced dark counts in optimized geometries for superconducting nanowire single photon detectors," Optics Express, Vol. 20/21, 23610, 2012.
28. Verma, V. B., F. Marsili, S. Harrington, A. E. Lita, R. P. Mirin, and S. W. Nam, "A three-dimensional, polarization-insensitive superconducting nanowire avalanche photodetector," Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 101, 251114, 2012.
29. Marsili, F., V. B. Verma, J. A. Stern, S. Harrington, A. E. Lita, T. Gerrits, I. Vayshenker, B. Baek, M. D. Shaw, R. P. Mirin, and S. W. Nam, "Detecting single infrared photons with 93% system efficiency," Nature Photonics, Vol. 7, 210, 2013.
30. Eftekharian, A., H. Atikian, and A. H. Majedi, "Plasmonic superconducting nanowire single photon detector," Optics Express, Vol. 21/3, 3043, 2013.
31. Csete, M., Á. Sipos, A. Szalai, F. Najafi, G. Szabó, and K. K. Berggren, "Improvement of infrared single-photon detectors absorptance by integrated plasmonic structures," Scientific Reports, Vol. 3, 2406, 2013.
32. Heath, R. M., M. G. Tanner, T. D. Drysdale, S. Miki, V. Giannini, S. A. Maier, and R. H. Hadfield, "Nano-antenna enhancement for telecom-wavelength superconducting single photon detectors," Nano Letters, Vol. 15/2, 819, 2014.
33. Csete, M., G. Szekeres, A. Szenes, A. Szalai, and G. Szabó, "Plasmonic structure integrated single-photon detector configurations to improve absorptance and polarization contrast," Sensors, Vol. 15, No. 2, 3513, 2015.
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