Vol. 44
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Circularly Polarized Wave Scattering from Two-Dimensional Dielectric Rough Sea Surface
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 44, 119-126, 2015
Based on the polarimetric scattering model of second-order small-slope approximation (SSA-II) with tapered wave incidence under linear and circular polarization, monostatic and bistatic scattering from two-dimensional dielectric rough sea surface is investigated. The emphasis of the present study is put on the Brewster effect on polarization state of scattering wave under circularly polarized wave incidence. Numerical simulations show that for bistatic configuration under circularly polarized wave incidence, the polarization state of scattering wave strongly depends on incident angle, scattering angle, as well as the Brewster angle associated with medium permittivity.
Peng-Ju Yang, Li-Xin Guo, and Qiang Wang, "Circularly Polarized Wave Scattering from Two-Dimensional Dielectric Rough Sea Surface," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 44, 119-126, 2015.

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