Vol. 43
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Comprehensive RCS Simulation of Dispersive Media Using SO-FDTD-DPW Method
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 43, 19-30, 2015
Perfectly Matched Layer (PML) is modeled by Split-Field FDTD (SF-FDTD) in order to simulate Radar Cross Section (RCS) of a plasma slab. PML is used as an absorbing boundary, and discrete plane wave (DPW) is employed to generate plane wave. DPW method has a power isolation of -300 dB between scattered-field and total-field regions. The dispersive media is modelled by shift-operator FDTD. In this article, the SO-FDTD and DPW are combined, and it is proved that this combination shows a good stability. Finally, two different plasma profiles (exponential and polynomial) are used to prove reflection coefficient of a conductive layer can be reduced by choosing true profile of covering layer. By using Near-to-Far-Field Transformation, all fields are transferred to far-field region to calculate RCS.
Farid Mirhosseini, and Bruce G. Colpitts, "Comprehensive RCS Simulation of Dispersive Media Using SO-FDTD-DPW Method," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 43, 19-30, 2015.

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