Vol. 39
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Estimation of Whole-Body Average SAR in Human Body Exposed to a Base Station Antenna
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 39, 19-26, 2014
Electromagnetic wave absorption inside a human body is investigated. The human body has been modeled using 3D voxel based dataset considering different electrical parameters. At GSM 900 band, Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) induced inside the human body model exposed to a radiating base station antenna (BSA) has been calculated for multiple number of carrier frequencies and input power of 20 W/carrier. Distance (R) of human body from BSA is varied in the range of 0.5 m to 5.0 m. Values of whole-body average SAR obtained by hybrid FDTD method closely match with that obtained by SFDTD method. For number of carrier frequency equal to five and R = 0.5 m, maximum value of whole-body average SAR obtained by both hybrid FDTD and SFDTD method is found to be 0.69 W/kg which decreases either with increase of R or decrease of number of carrier frequencies. Safety distance for general public is found to be 1.5 m for number of carrier frequencies equal to five. Summary of performance comparison shows that hybrid FDTD method is faster and requires less memory than SFDTD method.
Md. Faruk Ali, and Sudhabindu Ray, "Estimation of Whole-Body Average SAR in Human Body Exposed to a Base Station Antenna," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 39, 19-26, 2014.

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