Vol. 27
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A Modified Goodness-of-Fit Measurement for Radar Clutter Amplitude Statistics
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 27, 151-165, 2012
This paper addresses the application of measurement on goodness-of-fit (GoF) for amplitudes of radar clutter sample data against reference/theoretic parameterized probability density function (PDF). In general, various existing methods for this problem highly depend on empirical PDF parameters. This makes GoF assessments with these methods less perceivable and their accuracies are hard to control. A new method based on chi-squared type of measurement is proposed to overcome these difficulties. This method evaluates GoF by estimating the distance between the true PDF of the clutter data amplitude and the reference PDF. Hence the distance is statistically approximately independent with empirical PDF parameters. The new method has higher accuracy and symmetric property. It is especially useful for GoF comparison over multiple radar clutter data sets.
Liang Li, Lingjiang Kong, and Xiaobo Yang, "A Modified Goodness-of-Fit Measurement for Radar Clutter Amplitude Statistics," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 27, 151-165, 2012.

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