Vol. 26
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Evaluation and Measurement of the Doppler Spectrum in a Reverberation Chamber
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 26, 267-277, 2012
In this paper, the measurement of the Doppler spectrum in a reverberation chamber (RC) is investigated. The estimation performance of the Doppler spectrum in the previous work is reformulated and analyzed. It is found that the previous RC Doppler spectrum evaluation is an inconsistent estimation. An improved method for evaluating the Doppler spectrum is presented, which makes use of the frequency stirring technique to enhance the estimation performance. In addition, the RC loading effect on the Doppler spectrum is investigated in this paper as well. Measurements are performed in a RC, based on which the Doppler spectrum is evaluated. It is shown that the improved method results in a smaller estimation variance and that the Doppler spread decreases with increasing RC loading.
Xiaoming Chen, "Evaluation and Measurement of the Doppler Spectrum in a Reverberation Chamber," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 26, 267-277, 2012.

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