Vol. 133
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Wideband Millimeter-Wave Cavity-Backed Bowtie Antenna
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 133, 477-493, 2013
Although many directive antennas operating in a narrow band of millimeter (mm) waves were reported, e.g., antennas for 60-GHz wireless local area network (WLAN), their wideband counterparts are still unpopular. Cavity-backed antennas (CBAs) are widely developed and reported in microwave frequency bands, but few literatures can be found about mm-wave CBAs in spite that their many properties are quite suitable for mm-wave applications. This paper presents a wideband unidirectional CBA with a bowtie exciter, operating in a frequency band of 40 ~ over 75 GHz, and it is carefully analyzed in terms of influences of all antenna components on radiation patterns, broadside gains, and reflection coefficients. Then, the antenna prototype is built by generic printed circuit board (PCB) technologies, and measurements prove the validity of simulations.
Shi-Wei Qu, and Kung Bo Ng, "Wideband Millimeter-Wave Cavity-Backed Bowtie Antenna," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 133, 477-493, 2013.

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