Vol. 43
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High Gain and Low Cross-Polar Compact Printed Elliptical Monopole UWB Antenna Loaded with Partial Ground and Parasitic Patches
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 43, 151-167, 2012
In this paper a low cost, high gain, low cross-polar and compact edge feed printed elliptical antenna with a partial ground plane and parasitic patches is proposed and investigated. The proposed antenna is backed by partial ground and parasitic patches. It is fabricated on 1.6 mm thick FR4 substrate with dielectric permittivity of 4.4 and tanδ of 0.025. The total planar area of the proposed antenna (L x W) is 28 mm x 24 mm. Both the simulated and experimental result shows that the proposed antenna provides a frequency range compatible with the ultra-wideband (UWB) standard, i.e., 3.5 GHz-12 GHz frequency band. The radiation pattern produced by the proposed antenna is approximately omnidirectional with in-phase excitation of Surface waves resulting in less cross-polarization level (less than 20 dB) compare to its co-polar component for complete impedance band width. The maximum measured gain for the fabricated antenna is around 6.27dBi with an average efficiency of above 90% throughout the bandwidth. A linear phase response (phase S21) accompanied by a constant group delay of 1ns throughout the measured bandwidth makes the proposed antenna a good candidate for UWB applications.
Gopi Shrikanth Reddy, Sanjeev Kumar Mishra, Shilpa U. Kharche, and Jayanta Mukherjee, "High Gain and Low Cross-Polar Compact Printed Elliptical Monopole UWB Antenna Loaded with Partial Ground and Parasitic Patches," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 43, 151-167, 2012.

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