School of Physical Electronics
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
HomepageSchool of Physical Electronics
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
HomepageSchool of Physical Electronics
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
HomepageSchool of Physical Electronics
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
HomepageSchool of Physical Electronics
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
HomepageSchool of Physical Electronics
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
HomepageSchool of Physical Electronics
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
HomepageSchool of Physical Electronics
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
Homepage1. Keidar, M., "Electromagnetic reduction of plasma density during atmospheric reentry and hypersonic flights," Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 45, 445-453, 2008.
2. Liu, J. F., X. L. Xi, G. B. Wan, and L. L. Wang, "Simulation of electromagnetic wave propagation through plasma sheath using the moving-window finite-difference time-domain method," IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Vol. 39, 852-855, 2011.
3. Ma, C. G., Q. Zhao, X. G. Luo, G. He, L. Zheng, and J. W. Liu, "Study on attenuation characteristics of millimeter wave in plasma," Acta Physica Sinica, Vol. 60, 055201, 2010.
4. Kim, M., M. Keidar, and I. D. Boyd, "Analysis of an electromagnetic mitigation scheme for reentry telemetry through plasma," Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 45, 1223-1229, 2008.
5. Thoma, C., D. V. Rose, C. L. Miller, R. E. Clark, and T. P. Hughes, "Electromagnetic wave propagation through an overdense magnetized collisional plasma layer," Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 106, 043301, 2009.
6. Ai, X., Y. Han, C. Y. Li, and X. W. Shi, "Analysis of dispersion relation of piecewise linear recursive convolution FDTD method for space-varying plasma," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 22, 83-93, 2011.
7. Yin, X., H. Zhang, H. Y. Xu, and X. F. Zeng, "Improved shift-operator FDTD method for anisotropic magnetized cold plasmas with arbitrary magnetic field declination," Progress In Electromagnetic Research B, Vol. 38, 39-56, 2012.
8. Gurel, C. S. and E. Oncu, "Characteristics of electromagnetic wave propagation through a magnetized plasma slab with linearly varying electron density," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 21, 385-398, 2010.
9. Cheng, G. X. and L. Liu, "Direct finite-difference analysis of the electromagnetic-wave propagation in inhomogeneous plasma," IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Vol. 38, 3109-3115, 2010.
10. Yang, H. W. and R. S. Chen, "FDTD analysis on the effect of plasma parameters on the reflection coefficient of the electromagnetic wave," Opt. Quant. Electron., Vol. 39, 1245-1252, 2007.
11. Liu, S. B., J. J. Mo, and N. C. Yuan, "FDTD analysis of electromagnetic reflection by conductive plane covered with magnetized inhomogeneous plasmas," International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Vol. 23, 1803-1815, 2002.
12. Tang, D. L., A. P. Sun, X. M. Qiu, and P. K. Chu, "Interaction of electromagnetic waves with a magnetized nonuniform plasma slab," IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Vol. 31, 405-410, 2003.
13. Angus, J. R., S. I. Krasheninnikov, and A. I. Smolyakov, "Kinetic theory of electromagnetic plane wave obliquely incident on bounded plasma slab," Physics of Plasma, Vol. 17, 102115, 2010.
14. Brodin, G., M. Marklund, L. Stenflo, and P. K. Shukla, "Dispersion relation for electromagnetic wave propagation in a strongly magnetized plasma," New Journal of Physics, Vol. 8, 1-6, 2008.
15. Yuan, C. X., Z. X. Zhou, and H. G. Sun, "Reflection properties of electromagnetic wave in a bounded plasma slab," IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Vol. 38, 3348-3355, 2010.
16. Ma, L. X., H. Zhang, and C. X. Zhang, "Analysis on the reflection characteristic of electromagnetic wave incidence in closed nonmagnetic plasma," Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, Vol. 22, No. 17-18, 2285-2296, 2008.
17. Nishimoto, M. and H. Ikuno, "Time-frequency analysis of electromagnetic pulse response from a one-dimensional plasma medium," Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, Vol. 18, No. 2, 181-196, 2004.
18. Yang, H. W., W. C. Tang, and X. K. Kong, "Calculation of the effect on the reflection of the plane electromagnetic wave for non-magnetized plasma with different electron density distributions," International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Vol. 28, 547-556, 2007.
19. Chaudhury, B. and S. Chaturvedi, "Comparison of wave propagation studies in plasmas using three-dimensional finite-difference time-domain and ray-tracing methods," Physics of Plasmas, Vol. 13, 123302, 2006.
20. Shi, J. M., J. C. Wang, Z. C. Yuan, and Y. S. Ling, "Electromagnetic reflection of conductive plane covered with magnetized inhomogeneous plasma ," Internal Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Vol. 22, 1167-1175, 2001.
21. Yuan, C. X., Z. X. Zhou, X. L. Xiang, H. G. Sun, and S. Z. Pu, "Propagation of broadband terahertz pulses through a dense-magnetized-collisional-bounded plasma layer," Physics of Plasmas, Vol. 17, 113304, 2010.
22. Yuan, C. X., Z. X. Zhou, and X. L. Xiang, "Properties of terahertz waves propagation in a bounded plasma slab with high collision frequency and high density," International Conference on Optoelectronics and Image Processing, Haiko, China, Nov. 2010.