Vol. 114
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Subwavelength Array of Planar Triangle Monopoles with Cross Slots Based on Far-Field Time Reversal
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 114, 429-441, 2011
A subwavelength array of planar triangle monopole antennas is proposed and discussed in this paper. Each element of the array is etched with many cross slots which bring no effects to the element's performances of voltage standing wave ratio and far-field radiation patterns. An important property of this antenna is that if multiple such planar antennas are placed face to face, the proposed array can perform time-reversal far-field focusing with a super-resolution as small as one twentieth of a wavelength. The proposed subwavelength array is easy to design and convenient for integration.
Guang-Ding Ge, Duo Wang, and Bing-Zhong Wang, "Subwavelength Array of Planar Triangle Monopoles with Cross Slots Based on Far-Field Time Reversal," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 114, 429-441, 2011.

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