Vol. 112
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Retrieval Approach for Determination of Forward and Backward Wave Impedances of Bianisotropic Metamaterials
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 112, 109-124, 2011
A simple approach is proposed for retrieving the forward and backward wave impedances of lossless and lossy bianisotropic metamaterials. Compared with other methods in the literature, its main advantage is that forward and backward wave impedances can be uniquely and noniteratively extracted. It has been validated for both lossless and lossy bianisotropic metamaterials by performing a numerical analysis. The proposed approach can be applied for checking whether the metamaterial structure shows the bianisotropic property by monitoring forward and backward wave impedances, since the forward and backward wave impedances of a metamaterial structure depend on different polarizations of the incident wave.
Ugur Cem Hasar, and Joaquim Jose Barroso, "Retrieval Approach for Determination of Forward and Backward Wave Impedances of Bianisotropic Metamaterials," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 112, 109-124, 2011.

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