Vol. 20
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Design of a High-Gain Cavity-Backed Slot Antenna with Mushroom Cells and Bent Ground Walls
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 20, 69-76, 2011
This paper presents a cavity backed slot antenna design with high gain and relatively small size. The large ground plane of the original design is cut 75%. Mushroom cells, ground plane orientation, and bending edges in the ground plane have been employed to improve the antenna gain. A 19.25 dB maximum gain is obtained with an average gain of 18.2 dB in the entire operating band.
Abdelnasser Eldek, "Design of a High-Gain Cavity-Backed Slot Antenna with Mushroom Cells and Bent Ground Walls," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 20, 69-76, 2011.

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