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Multi-Wavelength Fiber Optical Parametric Oscillator Based on a Highly Nonlinear Fiber and a Sagnac Loop Filter
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 106, 163-176, 2010
A novel multi-wavelength fiber optical parametric oscillator (MW-FOPO) with a ring cavity structure is proposed. In the ring cavity of the MW-FOPO, a Sagnac loop filter which is formed by a 3-dB optical coupler, a polarization controller and a segment of polarization maintained fiber is used as the comb filter, and a segment of highly nonlinear fiber is used as the gain medium. Multi-wavelength lasing of the MW-FOPO with a wavelength spacing of about 0.8nm is achieved and its power stability at room temperature is demonstrated by measuring peak power fluctuation within 42 minutes for 5 lasing wavelengths. The output spectrum of the MW-FOPO covers a large wavelength region from 1500nm to 1610 nm. A comparison of the output spectra between the MW-FOPO and the multi-wavelength Erbium-doped fiber laser is also presented.
Daru Chen, and Bing Sun, "Multi-Wavelength Fiber Optical Parametric Oscillator Based on a Highly Nonlinear Fiber and a Sagnac Loop Filter," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 106, 163-176, 2010.

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