Vol. 19
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Electromagnetic Eigenmodes in Matter. Van Der Waals-London and Casimir Forces
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 19, 115-131, 2010
We derive van der Waals-London and Casimir forces by calculating the eigenmodes of the electromagnetic field interacting with two semi-infinite bodies (two halves of space) with parallel surfaces separated by distance d. We adopt simple models for metals and dielectrics, well-known in the elementary theory of dispersion. In the non-retarded (Coulomb) limit we get a d-3-force (van der Waals-London force), arising from the zero-point energy (vacuum fluctuations) of the surface plasmon modes. When retardation is included we obtain a d-4-(Casimir) force, arising from the zero-point energy of the surface plasmon-polariton modes (evanescent modes) for metals, and from propagating (polaritonic) modes for identical dielectrics. The same Casimir force is also obtained for "fixed surfaces" boundary conditions, irrespective of the pair of bodies. The approach is based on the equation of motion of the polarization and the electromagnetic potentials, which lead to coupled integral equations. These equations are solved, and their relevant eigenfrequencies branches are identified.
Marian Apostol, and Georgeta Vaman, "Electromagnetic Eigenmodes in Matter. Van Der Waals-London and Casimir Forces," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 19, 115-131, 2010.

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