Vol. 96
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High Resolution Range Profile Identifying Simulation of Laser Radar Based on Pulse Beam Scattering Characteristics of Targets
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 96, 193-204, 2009
This is a presentation of an innovative technique of rigid body estimation for use with laser high-range resolution profile (LHRRP) simulations. The theory of pulse beam scattering from random rough surface is used to build a theoretical model which computes simulations for the laser pulse HRRP of the whole dimension target. As two especial cases, the LHRRP of sphere and cone are simulated in detail. We discuss and analyze some influential factors on laser radar HRRP imaging such as their dimensions, correlation length and height root mean square of the rough surface, refractive index of the material and width pulse. The simulated results suggest that the reliable identifications are possible provided in some aero and aerial recognized applications with higher resolution by laser radar.
Ming-Jun Wang, Zhen-Sen Wu, Ying-Le Li, and Geng Zhang, "High Resolution Range Profile Identifying Simulation of Laser Radar Based on Pulse Beam Scattering Characteristics of Targets," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 96, 193-204, 2009.

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