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Analysis of Pyramid EM Wave Absorber by FDTD Method and Comparing with Capacitance and Homogenization Methods
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 3, 123-131, 2008
In this paper, we model an array of pyramid electromagnetic wave absorbers and calculate the return loss of this array using the FDTD method. For modeling the frequency dependent of the absorber, the Debye model is used. In doing so, a 3 × 3 structure of nine pyramid absorber is chosen instead of the array. The results are compared with capacitance and homogenization methods using average values for ε [10]. The results clearly show that the FDTD is an accurate method for calculating the return loss of an array of pyramid absorbers as compared with three other existing methods, and can be used to simulate the array of pyramid absorbers with different sizes in a wide range of frequencies.
Amineh Khajehpour, and Seyed Mirtaheri, "Analysis of Pyramid EM Wave Absorber by FDTD Method and Comparing with Capacitance and Homogenization Methods," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 3, 123-131, 2008.

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