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A Compact Dual Notch-Band Frequency Reconfigurable UWB Monopole Antenna
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 106, 215-226, 2021
To meet the requirements of miniaturization, multi-functions, and anti-interference of the antenna, this paper proposes a compact dual notch band frequency reconfigurable ultra-wideband (UWB) antenna. The antenna consists of an angle-cut rectangular radiation patch, a coplanar waveguide (CPW) structure, and a defective ground structure (DGS). A C-slot and an inverted U-slot are introduced to eliminate the interference of the Indian National Satellite band (INSAT), 5G band, and X satellite communication band. By controlling the PIN diodes across the two slots, the antenna can work in four states: UWB, two single notch bands, and one dual notch band. The impedance bandwidth in UWB mode is 2.9-12 GHz, with a relative bandwidth of 122%. The notch frequencies are 4.2-5.2 GHz and 6.2-8.1 GHz, respectively. In the passband of the antenna, the maximum gain is 7.17 dBi, and the group delay is less than 1 ns. The antenna size is 18 × 17 × 1.6 mm3, which is easy to integrate with the communication systems. The antenna can be freely switched between the UWB mode and each notch band mode, which can be applied to the UWB wireless communication systems.
Jingchang Nan, Jiu-Yang Zhao, and Yuan Wang, "A Compact Dual Notch-Band Frequency Reconfigurable UWB Monopole Antenna," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 106, 215-226, 2021.

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