Vol. 82
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RCS Calculation Using Hybrid FDTD-NARX Technique
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 82, 73-84, 2019
This paper amalgamates two uncorrelated techniques namely finite difference time domain technique (FDTD) and nonlinear autoregressive with exogenous input (NARX) neural network to achieve a faster computation of radar cross section (RCS). It generates only a limited number of FDTD data and uses them to train a NARX neural network. The data beyond this limited number for the FDTD come from the NARX prediction. Comparison of the performance of FDTD-NARX hybrid with other methods indicates good matching with better timing for RCS of electrically larger objects.
Nihar Kanta Sahoo, Dhruba Charan Panda, Rabindra Kishore Misra, and Amit Kumar Sahu, "RCS Calculation Using Hybrid FDTD-NARX Technique," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 82, 73-84, 2019.

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