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Target Detection in Compound-Gaussian Clutter with Adaptive OFDM Radar
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 45, 91-99, 2016
This paper mainly deals with the problem of target detection in compound-Gaussian clutter with orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) radar. First, the OFDM measurement model is developed to compound-Gaussian clutter by taking advantage of frequency diversity of OFDM radar waveform and we devise a generalized likelihood rate test (GLRT) detector where the target scattering coefficients and clutter covariance matrix are unknown. Then, we propose an adaptive waveform design scheme based on maximizing Mahalanobis distance of the distributions under two hypothesises to improve the detection performance. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed detector as well as the adaptive waveform design method is demonstrated via numerical examples.
Yang Xia, Zhiyong Song, Zaiqi Lu, and Qiang Fu, "Target Detection in Compound-Gaussian Clutter with Adaptive OFDM Radar," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 45, 91-99, 2016.

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