Vol. 45
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A Novel Wavenumber Domain Algorithm for Bistatic SAR Imaging Based on Equivalent Monostatic Model
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 45, 113-121, 2016
Compared with traditional monostatic synthetic aperture radar (SAR), bistatic SAR (BiSAR) has stronger advantages in terms of anti-interference and anti-strike abilities. However, the complex system structure of BiSAR brings new difficulties to imaging processing. In order to make the imaging algorithms of traditional monostatic SAR apply to BiSAR imaging as well, this paper proposes an equivalent monostatic model for BiSAR. This model mainly provides two benefits: (1) The equivalent monostatic range history has the form of hyperbolic function; (2) The equivalent monostatic velocity of any scattering point in the observed scene, with respect to the radar platform, is not only the same but also invariant with the equivalent monostatic range. Due to the above benefits, a novel wavenumber domain algorithm (WDA) is further proposed for BiSAR imaging. Finally, the experimental results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm is effective and feasible.
Zongliang Wu, Xiaoling Zhang, and Xiliang Wu, "A Novel Wavenumber Domain Algorithm for Bistatic SAR Imaging Based on Equivalent Monostatic Model," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 45, 113-121, 2016.

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