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Design and Fabrication of a Compact UWB BPF with Notch-Band and Wide Stopband Using Dual MMRs and DGS
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 109, 75-83, 2023
This paper presents a new design of a compact microstrip ultra-wideband (UWB) single notch-band bandpass filter (BPF) along with its equivalent circuit model. The basic structure of the proposed filter consists of dual symmetrical multiple-mode resonator (MMR), four stub-loaded stepped impedance resonators (SLSIRs), two defected ground structure (DGS) units and a coupled folded arm resonator (CFAR) with feeding line. The presented filter is tested using R&S® ZNB20 vector network analyzer (VNA) to validate the simulated results. A good agreement between the measured and simulated (EM and circuit model) results is achieved.
Hassiba Louazene, Mouloud Challal, and M'hamed Boulakroune, "Design and Fabrication of a Compact UWB BPF with Notch-Band and Wide Stopband Using Dual MMRs and DGS," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 109, 75-83, 2023.

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