Vol. 93
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Wideband Triple Resonance Patch Antenna for 5G Wi-Fi Spectrum
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 93, 89-97, 2020
This study presents a triple resonance microstrip slotted antenna element for 5G (5.15-5.875 Wi-Fi band) applications. This antenna constitutes a rectangular patch stimulated with an I-shaped slot and two shorted metallic vias. This arrangement results in an enhancement of the bandwidth. The antenna features a wide impedance bandwidth (IBW) matching due to triple resonances when being properly excited by coax-probe feed. The IBW of the antenna ranges from 5-6 GHz band with three resonances at around 5.2, 5.5, and 5.8 GHz. Finally, the antenna is fabricated and measured, which displays a -10 dB IBW of 5.04-6.05 GHz (18.2%) featuring stable radiation and gain (around 7 dBi). Moreover, the measurements are in good agreement with simulations. On the account of the single-layered dielectric, this antenna can be easily mounted with active electronics.
Arvind Kumar, Ayman Abdulhadi Althuwayb, and Mu'ath Al-Hasan, "Wideband Triple Resonance Patch Antenna for 5G Wi-Fi Spectrum," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 93, 89-97, 2020.

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