Vol. 75
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Spectrum Relation of Linear MIMO Structure in Short Range Imaging
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 75, 25-31, 2018
This paper discusses the spectrum relation in Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output (MIMO) structures and presents an imaging algorithm for sparse linear MIMO array for short range imaging. This algorithm is available for MIMO array consisted by transmit and receive arrays separated from each other. The wave propagation process is used to interpret the spectrum relation in linear MIMO structures; therefore, the convolution relation of spectrum can be clearly understood. Moreover, the spectrum shift effect in linear MIMO structure with separated transmit and receive arrays is discussed and solved according to the spectrum relation. Above all, the imaging algorithm for sparse linear MIMO structure is presented, and the image performance is demonstrated by simulation results.
Xiaozhou Shang, Jing Yang, and Zhi-Ping Li, "Spectrum Relation of Linear MIMO Structure in Short Range Imaging," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 75, 25-31, 2018.

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