Vol. 73
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Design of Broadband Transition Structure from Microstrip to Soltline with Band Notched Characteristic
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 73, 105-112, 2018
In this paper, a broadband transition structure from microstrip line to slotline with band-notched characteristic is proposed. To match the 50 Ω microstrip line, 4 Chebyshev impedance transformations are used in the transition structure, and its bandwidth is widened. There is a fan-shaped radial line at the microstrip terminal. A U-shaped slot is etched on the microstrip line with stepped impedance matching to achieve band-notch characteristic. By changing the length of the slot, the band notch is realized at different frequencies. Simulation and optimization of the transition structure are made by using the high frequency simulation software HFSS in this paper to achieve the band-notch function at 3.37-3.84 GHz and 10.67-11.14 GHz. In the rest of the band, return loss S11 is less than -15 dB, and voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) is less than 1.5.
Fa-Kun Sun, Wu-Sheng Ji, Xiao-Chun Ji, Pei-Pei Han, Ying-Yun Tong, and Zhi-Yue Zhang, "Design of Broadband Transition Structure from Microstrip to Soltline with Band Notched Characteristic," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 73, 105-112, 2018.

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