Vol. 35
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Dual Composite Right/Left-Handed Leaky-Wave Structure for Dual-Polarized Antenna Application
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 35, 191-199, 2012
An effective development of a dual composite right/left-handed (D-CRLH) leaky-wave (LW) structure for dual-polarized antenna application is presented. The dual-polarized antenna consists of a two-section 3 -dB rat-race hybrid and two symmetrical substrate integrated waveguide lines. Each of the waveguide lines is periodically loaded with 15 transverse slots and 15 longitudinal slots. The dual-polarization capability and D-CRLH LW property of the antenna are analyzed and discussed. The S-parameters and gain patterns are presented for the antenna. Measured results are consistent with the simulated ones. The proposed LW antenna shows some desirable merits, such as the simplicity in design, low-cost fabrication, multi-band operation, flexible radiation directions and dual-polarization capability.
Lin Geng, Guang-Ming Wang, Hui-Yong Zeng, and Ming-Wei Chui, "Dual Composite Right/Left-Handed Leaky-Wave Structure for Dual-Polarized Antenna Application," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 35, 191-199, 2012.

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