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Terahertz Interferometer for Integrated Goubau-Line Waveguides
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 30, 49-58, 2012
An integrated Terahertz {Mach-Zehnder} interferometer is presented in order to perform differential measurements in a chip. Both simulation and experiment are performed for validating the interferometer structure. Destructive interference peaks are observed, and destructive frequencies are predicted by a mathematical model with a good agreement. The structure is then used to characterize dielectric constant of materials. Simulation results enable to quantify the device sensitivity. An experimental validation is given with the characterization of a thermosensitive polymer (Cyclotene BCB) in the sub-THz frequency band. Perspectives to increase investigated frequencies are discussed.
Simon Laurette, Anthony Treizebre, Nour-Eddine Bourzgui, and Bertrand Bocquet, "Terahertz Interferometer for Integrated Goubau-Line Waveguides," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 30, 49-58, 2012.

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10. Abbas, A., A. Treizebre, P. Supiot, N. E. Bourzgui, D. Guillochon, D. Vercaigne-Marko, and B. Bocquet, "Cold plasma functionalized terahertz biomems for enzyme reaction analysis," Biosensors & Bioelectronics, Vol. 25, No. 1, 154-160, 2009.

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12. Treizebre, A., B. Bocquet, Y. S. Xu, and R. G. Bosisio, "New THz excitation of planar Goubau line," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol. 50, No. 11, 2998-3001, 2008.

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