Vol. 3
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Compact m -Slot Folded Patch Antenna for WLAN
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 3, 35-42, 2008
This paper presents a very small size microstrip antenna suitable for WLAN application. The main patch antenna consists of an M-shaped slot with shorting wall. With a shorted triangular parasitic patch and a folded patch overall antenna size is reduced. The simulated and measured results show that by selecting a proper shorting wall width, the proposed antenna can provide an impedance bandwidth of 21.17% covering the 4.93-6.09 GHz band. The antenna size is of order 0.1094λo × 0.1094λo × 0.0544λo (6 × 6 × 3mm3). The proposed antenna has 75% surface size reduction compared to a conventional patch antenna operating at the same centre frequency. The E- and H-plane radiation pattern across the entire operating bandwidth is provided.
Farid Jolani, Abdolmehdi Dadgarpour, and Hamid Reza Hassani, "Compact m -Slot Folded Patch Antenna for WLAN," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 3, 35-42, 2008.

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