Vol. 48
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Electromagnetic Analysis of a Bridge Configured Winding Cage Induction Machine Using Finite Element Method
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 48, 347-373, 2013
A 2D finite element electromagnetic model that permits the simulation of a cage induction machine, involving the effects of eddy currents and coupling the field equation with the stator field-circuit equation, has been presented in this paper. Transformation matrix has been derived to incorporate specialized stator winding scheme called the bridge configured winding (BCW) in the coupled field circuit equation. The bridge configured winding scheme is capable of producing controllable transverse force by deliberately imparting asymmetric flux distribution in the machine air-gap. Steady state stator currents have been calculated using the time-stepping scheme with the rotor motion at constant speed allowing the FE model to take into account the harmonics due to the eccentricity (static) of the rotor. This work has furnished us with the 2D magnetic flux distribution in the whole finite element domain as well as sets out an electromagnetic model to study the electromechanical interaction between the eccentric rotor motion and the electromagnetic field. The results, in terms of variation of terminal currents (phase and bridge) and unbalanced magnetic pull (UMP) due to rotor eccentricity as well as asymmetric field (deliberately imparted by exciting the bridge), obtained from the simulation have been compared with analytical formulations as well as already published experimental results.
Rajkumar Singha Konwar, Karuna Kalita, Atanu Banerjee, and Wee Keong Steve Khoo, "Electromagnetic Analysis of a Bridge Configured Winding Cage Induction Machine Using Finite Element Method," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 48, 347-373, 2013.

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