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Numerical Modelling for Ultra Wideband Radar Breast Cancer Detection and Classification
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 34, 145-171, 2011
Microwave Imaging is one of the most promising emerging imaging technologies for breast cancer detection, and exploits the dielectric contrast between normal and malignant breast tissue at microwave frequencies. The development of many UWB Radar imaging approaches requires the use of accurate numerical models for the propagation and scattering of microwave signals within the breast. The Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) method is the most commonly used numerical modelling technique used to model the propagation of Electromagnetic (EM) waves in biological tissue. However, it is critical that an FDTD model accurately represents the dielectric properties of the constituent tissues, including tumour tissues, and the highly correlated distribution of these tissues within the breast. This paper presents a comprehensive review of the latest findings regarding dielectric properties of normal and cancerous breast tissue, and the heterogeneity of normal breast tissue. Furthermore, existing FDTD models of the breast described in the literature are examined.
Raquel Cruz Conceicao, Martin O'Halloran, Martin Glavin, and Edward Jones, "Numerical Modelling for Ultra Wideband Radar Breast Cancer Detection and Classification," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 34, 145-171, 2011.

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