Vol. 85
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Conducted Emission Prediction Within the Network Based on Switching Impedances and EMI Sources
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 85, 103-124, 2019
Since electromagnetic compatibility studies intend to predict the compliance with electromagnetic standards, an accurate computation of both common and differential mode conducted noises is necessary. Modern networks-such as in automobiles that are known for supplying many electrical actuators-include many power converters and long cables (conductors) to efficiently manage power transfer. However, the presence of both converters and cables creates new electromagnetic compatibility issues. For example, the interaction between cables and converters becomes a noise source. For this reason, electromagnetic compatibility study becomes more complex. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is an attempt to propose an analytical model that computes noise sources by generating conducted signals within the network at any site, meaning all along the cable according to the CISPR16 standard. Our approach primarily consists of modeling conducted noise sources generated by converters connected to the DC-network, which are extracted and identified in both frequency and time domains. The electromagnetic compatibility modelling of converter's behaviour is performed by defining a mathematical switching function. The model is assessed with time domain simulations and identified by experimental measurements. Secondly, the extracted converter's model, based on equivalent noise sources, is used to predict the conducted noise inside a defined network at any location of the cable. The process of the network's modelling is realised through using the Multi-Transmission Line Method of lossless lines. This network's model is crucial for EMC analysis in order to evaluate the interaction degree between noise sources and cable parameters.
Achour Ales, Mohamed Amine Cheurfi Belhadj, Abdelhalim Zaoui, and Jean-Luc Schanen, "Conducted Emission Prediction Within the Network Based on Switching Impedances and EMI Sources," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 85, 103-124, 2019.

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