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Proposed Mac Protocol Versus IEEE 802.15.3a for Multimedia Transmission Over UWB Networks
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 2, 189-206, 2008
In this paper, a Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol is proposed to investigate Quality of Service (QoS) for multimedia traffic transmitted over Ultra Wide-Band (UWB) networks and increase the system capacity. This enhancement comes from using Wise Algorithm for Link Admission Control (WALAC) which has three suggested versions. The QoS of multimedia transmission is determined in terms of average delay, admission ratio, loss probability, utilization, and the network capacity. In addition, a new parameter is aroused for the network performance. Comparisons between the IEEE 802.15.3a protocol and the proposed one are done. The proposed protocol shows better results in both sparse and dense networks for real time traffic transmission.
Nawal Ahmed El-Fishawy, Mona Mohammed Shokair, and Waleed Saad Fouad HIlmy, "Proposed Mac Protocol Versus IEEE 802.15.3a for Multimedia Transmission Over UWB Networks," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 2, 189-206, 2008.

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