Vol. 63
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Practical Design of Filters Using EBG Waveguides Periodically Loaded with Metal Ridges
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 63, 13-21, 2016
The dispersion diagram of infinite periodic structures is useful for the practical design of waveguide filters. Analyzing the pass- and stop-bands (gaps) in the dispersion diagram of a unit cell, it is possible to generate a finite structure with a very similar electrical response. However, the truncation of the infinite periodic structure degrades the pass-band performance. In this paper, these impairments are overcome by means of suitable waveguide tapers matching the impedance of the periodic structure to the access ports. As a result, the analysis and design of practical low-pass filters, derived from passive structures based on Electromagnetic Band-Gap (EBG) waveguides periodically loaded with metal ridges, are successfully addressed. According to these procedures, a five-order and an eight-order EBG low-pass filters are obtained after an optimization step. Measurements of a manufactured prototype fully validate the proposed approach.
Stephan Marini, Pablo Soto, Ángela Coves, Benito Gimeno Martinez, and Vicente Boria, "Practical Design of Filters Using EBG Waveguides Periodically Loaded with Metal Ridges," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 63, 13-21, 2016.

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