Vol. 35
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A Class E Power Amplifier with Coupling Coils for a Wireless Power Transfer System
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 35, 13-22, 2013
A class E power amplifier including coupling coils is proposed for application in a wireless power transfer system using magnetic coupling. The proposed amplifier is directly connected to the coils with no discrete components for harmonic filtering and dc feeding, which could cause efficiency degradation of the amplifier. The system with the differential amplifier shows 6.95 W of transmitted power and 44.6% transmission efficiency at 6.8 MHz with 14-cm distant coils. The power-added efficiency of the amplifier is 92.1% with a 14 V supply voltage, excluding the coupling efficiency of the wireless power transfer network.
Jong-Ryul Yang, Hyeon-Chang Son, and Young-Jin Park, "A Class E Power Amplifier with Coupling Coils for a Wireless Power Transfer System," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 35, 13-22, 2013.

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