Vol. 23
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3D FEM Modeling and Technology of Piezoelectric Ring MEMS Antenna
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 23, 123-135, 2011
Actually MEMS technology allows to fabricate free standing and bended cantilevers by acting on stress/strain properties and thicknesses of materials. In particular, by means of MEMS technology it is possible to realize ring or spiral layouts with piezoelectric materials. The mechanical movement due to the piezoelectric resonance can be used in order to modulate a signal travelling in the MEMS and radiating in the free space as happens in antennas. In this work we provide an accurate study regarding the design approach of piezoelectric aluminium nitride (AlN) ring antenna. The study is developed by means of a tailored 3D FEM tool which allows to analyze the piezoelectric resonances and to design the ring micro-antenna in the THz range. Finally we provide the technology and we measure the piezoelectric resonances of ring antennas.
Alessandro Massaro, Roberto Cingolani, and Adriana Passaseo, "3D FEM Modeling and Technology of Piezoelectric Ring MEMS Antenna," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 23, 123-135, 2011.

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