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A Cost-Effective Method for High-Quality 60 GHz Optical Millimeter Wave Signal Generation Based on Frequency Quadrupling
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 137, 255-274, 2013
In this paper, we presents a cost effective method to generate a high-quality quadruple frequency optical millimeter-wave (MMW) signal using an integrated dual-parallel MachZehnder modulator (IDP-MZM). Not only does the method minimize the complication of the central station (CS) and its frequency demand for the devices, but the generated optical MMW signal as well has good transmission performance. By properly adjusting the direct current (DC) bias, modulation index, and using two radio frequency (RF) driving signals with 135° phase delay, a high quality dual tone optical MMW at 60 GHz is generated from a 15 GHz RF local oscillator (LO) with optical sideband suppression ratio (OSSR) as high as 32 dB and radio frequency spurious suppression ratio (RFSSR) exceeding 33 dB without optical filter when an integrated IDP-MZM with 30 dB extinction ratio is utilized. Furthermore, the influences of a number of non-ideal parameters, such as the impact of imperfect extinction ratio, non-ideal RF driven voltage and phase difference of RF-driven signals applied to two sub-MZMs of the integrated DP-MZM, on OSSR are studied through Simulation. Finally, we build a Radio over fiber (RoF) system through simulation, and the transmission performance of the generated optical MMW signal is presented. The eye patterns still clear and keeps open even after 60 km transmission.
Nael Ahmed Al-Shareefi, Syed Idris Syed Hassan, Mohd Fareq Bin Abd Malek, Razali Ngah, Sura Adil Abbas, and Syed Alwee Aljunid, "A Cost-Effective Method for High-Quality 60 GHz Optical Millimeter Wave Signal Generation Based on Frequency Quadrupling," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 137, 255-274, 2013.

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