Vol. 130
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A Resonance Tunable and Durable Lspr Nano-Particle Sensor: Al2O3 Capped Silver Nano-Disks
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 130, 429-446, 2012
Localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) biosensors are employed to detect target biomolecules which have particular resonance wavelengths. Accordingly, tunability of the LSPR wavelength is essential in designing LSPR devices. LSPR devices employing silver nano-particles present better efficiencies than those using other noble metals such as gold; however, silver nano-particles are easily oxidized when they come in contact with liquids, which is inevitable in biosensing applications. To attain both durability and tunabilty in a LSPR biosensor, this paper proposes alumina (AL2O3) capped silver nano-disks. It is shown that through controlling the thickness of the cap, the LSPR resonance frequency can be finely tuned over a wide range; and moreover, the cap protects silver nano-particles from oxidation and high temperature.
Daryoush Mortazavi, Abbas Z. Kouzani, and Kristy C. Vernon, "A Resonance Tunable and Durable Lspr Nano-Particle Sensor: Al2O3 Capped Silver Nano-Disks," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 130, 429-446, 2012.

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