Vol. 108
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Log-Amplitude Variance of Laser Beam Propagation on the Slant Path through the Turbulent Atmosphere
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 108, 277-291, 2010
Based on the altitude-dependent model of ITU-R slant atmospheric turbulence structure constant, the log-amplitude variance of laser beam propagation on the slant path through turbulent atmosphere is obtained with transmitter and receiver parameters and can be degenerated to the result of the horizontal path with atmospheric structure constant as a fixed value. These expressions are convenient tools for beam-wave analysis. Finally, we apply the ITU-R turbulence structure constant model to calculate collimated, divergent and convergent beam log-amplitude variance. The numerical conclusions indicate the log-amplitude variance of laser beam propagation on slant path is generally smaller than those on horizontal path.
Hong-Yan Wei, Zhen-Sen Wu, and Qingliang Ma, "Log-Amplitude Variance of Laser Beam Propagation on the Slant Path through the Turbulent Atmosphere," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 108, 277-291, 2010.

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