Vol. 59
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Interference Supression of the Linear Antenna Arrays Controlled by Phase with Use of Sqp Algorithm
, Vol. 59, 251-265, 2006
The performance of mobile cellular radio networks is limited by the level of cochannel interference that can be tolerated. The use of antennas arrays is very helpful in enhancing the performance and capacity of the wireless communication system. This paper presents a method for antenna pattern synthesis that suppress multiple interfering narrow or wide band signals while receiving the desired signal by controlling only the phase. Excitation phases are computed using the Sequential Quadratic Programming (SQP) technique. This method transforms the nonlinear minimization (or maximization) problem to a sequence of quadratic subproblems, based on a quadratic approximation of the Lagrangian function.
Moctar Mouhamadou, Paul Armand, Patrick Vaudon, and Mohammed Rammal, "Interference Supression of the Linear Antenna Arrays Controlled by Phase with Use of Sqp Algorithm," , Vol. 59, 251-265, 2006.

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