Vol. 38
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Direction of Arrival Estimation for Nonuniform Planar Array Based on Piecewise Interpolation Method
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 38, 241-259, 2012
The problem of direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation by using spectral search for a non-uniform planar array is addressed. New search methods for DOA estimation based on piecewise interpolation are proposed. The relationships between these methods and Fourier-Domain (FD) root-MUSIC are discussed. The proposed methods are based on dividing the multiple signal classification (MUSIC) null-spectrum function into a number of equal subintervals. These subintervals are interpolated by using low-degree polynomials. Piecewise interpolation methods based on elementary functions are used to reduce the required computations of MUSIC null-spectrum function. This property reduces the computational complexity compared with line-search methods for DOA estimation. The Cramér Rao Lower Bound (CRB) is used as a benchmark to check the accuracy and validity of the proposed methods.
Wael Elshennawy, Ahmed Attiya, Essam Hashish, and Islam A. Eshrah, "Direction of Arrival Estimation for Nonuniform Planar Array Based on Piecewise Interpolation Method," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 38, 241-259, 2012.

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