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A Compact Quad Port Band-Notched MIMO Antenna for Wi-MAX Applications with Low Mutual Coupling
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 104, 53-67, 2020
High data rates and good channel bandwidth are some of the requirements of today's wireless communication systems. The wireless communication systems are now rapidly adopting a Multiple Input Multiple Output i.e MIMO technique due to its advantages such as the data rates and bandwidth. The main focus of this paper is to design a highly isolated MIMO antenna with Wi-MAX bandwidth. This MIMO antenna design is prepared with four pentagonal slotted monopole antennas with a parasitic element structure operating in the band of 5.1 to 5.8 GHz which offers isolation more than 28 dB. Rectangular slots are used for each radiating patch for a band-notched frequency at 5.5 GHz frequency relative to the Wi-MAX frequency band. To improve the isolation of the antenna, on the surface of the dielectric substrate, a single plus-shaped parasitic structure is uniformly inserted between the antenna elements. The result obtained from the fabricated antenna is at an acceptable range with that of the simulated for the Wi-MAX band applications.
Bhakti Vinod Nikam, and Maruti R. Jadhav, "A Compact Quad Port Band-Notched MIMO Antenna for Wi-MAX Applications with Low Mutual Coupling," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 104, 53-67, 2020.

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