Vol. 30
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H -Infinity Filter Based Particle Filter for Maneuvering Target Tracking
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 30, 103-116, 2011
In this paper, we propose a novel H-infinity filter based particle filter (H∞PF), which incorporates the H-infinity filter (H∞F) algorithm into the particle filter (PF). The basic idea of the H∞PF is that new particles are sampled by the H∞F algorithm. Since the H∞F algorithm can fully take into account the current measurements, when the new algorithm calculates the proposed probability density distribution, the sampling particles can take advantage of the system current measurements to predict the system state. The particles distribution we obtained approaches nearer to the state posterior probability distribution and the H∞PF alleviates the sample degeneracy problem which is common in the PF, especially when the maneuvers of the target tracking are large. Furthermore, the H∞F algorithm can adjust gain imbalance factor by adjusting disturbance decay factor, from that the new algorithm can get the compromise between the accuracy and robustness and we can obtain satisfied accuracy and robustness. Some simulations and experimental results show that the proposed particle filter performed better than the PF and the Kalman particle filter (KPF) in tracking maneuvering target.
Qicong Wang, Jing Li, Meixiang Zhang, and Chenhui Yang, "H -Infinity Filter Based Particle Filter for Maneuvering Target Tracking," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 30, 103-116, 2011.

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