Vol. 87
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Maneuvering Target Doppler-Bearing Tracking with Signal Time Delay Using Interacting Multiple Model Algorithms
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 87, 15-41, 2008
For maneuvering target Doppler-bearing tracking with signal time delay, a novel approach called ISE-IMM is proposed in this paper. The iterative state estimation (ISE) method is designed to eliminate the negative influence of time delay effect and an interacting multiple model (IMM) filter is embedded to estimate the state according to the measurements of the delayed signal. The nonlinear filter preferred in this paper is a particle filter (PF) with an improved resampling procedure. Performance of our proposed method is evaluated in Monte Carlo simulations. Results show the effectiveness and stability of ISE-IMM-PF in combating the negative effect of signal time delay.
Suzhi Bi, and Xiao Yi Ren, "Maneuvering Target Doppler-Bearing Tracking with Signal Time Delay Using Interacting Multiple Model Algorithms," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 87, 15-41, 2008.

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