Vol. 128
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Design and Analysis of Multi-Layer Coils to Enhance Performance of Spread Resonance Based MI Waveguide System
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 128, 113-127, 2023
In this work, we analytically enhanced the channel capacity and bandwidth of an MI waveguide system by using multi-layer coils (MLCs) and spread resonance strategy. In this analysis, we considered the practical constraints like parasitic capacitance, ac resistance, skin and proximity effects and inductance of multi-layer coil. The bandwidth is significantly enhanced up to 6 KHz, and a trade-off is observed between the bandwidth and achievable transmission range. Besides, the influence of coil turns, layers and the impact of spread intensity are analyzed. Furthermore, we introduced a new MLC structure with thin-rectangular cross section which has promising characteristics like higher magnetic flux, low ac resistance, and high inductance. The performance of this coil is compared with that of existing round circular and tubular multi-layer coils. These characteristics are comparatively studied through simulations performed in ANSYS Maxwell R21. Based on the results we infer that the proposed coil is more advantageous than the existing standard MLC for MI communication in terms of cost and system performance.
Sandeep N. Dandu, Vinay Kumar, and Joydeep Sengupta, "Design and Analysis of Multi-Layer Coils to Enhance Performance of Spread Resonance Based MI Waveguide System," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 128, 113-127, 2023.

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