Vol. 75
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Multi-Antenna Information Theory
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 75, 11-50, 2007
It is well known that the performance of a wireless multiple-input and multiple-output (MIMO) system depends on the propagation channel. The propagation channel models can generally be divided into two different groups, the statistical models based on information theory and the site-specific models based on measurement or ray tracing. In this paper, a general procedure for predicting the MIMO channel model has been presented. Analytical expressions for the channel matrix elements in a general scattering environment have been derived from the statistical theory for a narrow-band electromagnetic field, and have been verified by numerical simulation and experiments. The limitations of information capacity of the MIMO wireless communication system imposed by the antennas have also been discussed, and analytical upper bounds on the information capacity in terms of the antenna parameters for multiple antenna system in free space have been obtained. Once the capacity of a MIMO system is specified, these upper bounds can serve as a criterion for estimating how many antennas are needed or how big the antenna must be to achieve the capacity.
Geyi Wen, "Multi-Antenna Information Theory," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 75, 11-50, 2007.

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