Vol. 163
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Design of Two Ku-Band Orthomode Transducers for Radio Astronomy Applications
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 163, 79-87, 2018
Two different designs of orthomode transducers for the coming Ku-band receiver of the Italian radio telescope in Medicina are presented and compared, showing design details, describing numerical simulations and discussing manufacturing and test results. Such orthomode transducers provide a tradeoff between low-loss and phase-matching, according to different initial requirements where the final receiver architecture has to be frozen. Both designs show high performance over the operative 13.5-18.1 GHz Ku-band. One of the OMT designs has been fabricated and tested, showing results in very good agreement with simulations.
Renzo Nesti, Elia Orsi, Giuseppe Pelosi, and Stefano Selleri, "Design of Two Ku-Band Orthomode Transducers for Radio Astronomy Applications," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 163, 79-87, 2018.

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