Vol. 20
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Modelling Resonance Frequencies of a Multi-Turn Spiral for Metamaterial Applications
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 20, 31-42, 2011
The planar metal particles, consisting of a multi-turn spirals, are studied with the aim of using them to realize high impedance surfaces or as an elementary cell to create an artificial material. These spirals present a resonant behaviour in a certain frequency band. To obtain miniature devices, a compromise between the surface and the efficiency of the resonance must be found. The compactness of the particles can be increased by using s spirals. However, the accuracy on resonant frequency of existing models is not sufficient for our applications. We present a simple analytical model that determines the resonant frequency from the geometric dimensions of the approximated model. This model is verified by electromagnetic simulations and by measurements.
Salim Nemer, Bruno Sauviac, Bernard Bayard, Chadi Nader, Joseph Bechara, and Antonio Khoury, "Modelling Resonance Frequencies of a Multi-Turn Spiral for Metamaterial Applications," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 20, 31-42, 2011.

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