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Cantor-Square Fractal Reconfigurable Circular Patch Antenna with Low Cross-Polarization for X Band Applications
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 114, 219-232, 2022
This work proposes a novel probe-fed circular patch antenna which has been fractaled and reconfigured to deliver enhanced performance. The circular ground plane is made defected using Cantor-square fractal geometry which reduces the cross-polarization level by about 12 dB. Further, by appropriate positioning of a PIN diode switch in the ground slot, the fractal Circular Microstrip Patch Antenna (CMPA) is enabled to achieve frequency reconfiguration. A prototype of the proposed antenna is fabricated and tested for the assessment of various parameters. The proposed fractal reconfigurable antenna has a peak gain well above 6 dB, high radiation efficiency, and a maximum bandwidth of about 700 MHz in the X-band (8-12 GHz). The present work aims to focus on the huge potential of fractal reconfigurable antennas in modern dynamic wireless communication systems.
Iqra Masroor, Shadman Aslam, Jamshed Ansari, and Amrees Pandey, "Cantor-Square Fractal Reconfigurable Circular Patch Antenna with Low Cross-Polarization for X Band Applications," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 114, 219-232, 2022.

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