Vol. 92
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Vector Magnetic Near-Field Measurement in Unit Cell of Metamaterial
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 92, 127-136, 2020
Near-field magnetic measurement is a simple but effective way of researching the magical electromagnetic properties of metamaterials. However, till now, the experiments in the field of metamaterials have involved only far-field macroscopic and near-field electric measurements because of the difficulty in isolating interference from electric fields. In this research, we design and fabricate a near-field magnetic probe with about an one-tenth wavelength size and 20 dB E-field rejection ratio, which can be combined with a parallel double-plate device integrating a system for measuring anisotropic vector magnetic field. As a verification measurement of plane waves and cylindrical waves, it got the clear vector field distribution characteristics and good anisotropy. Next we used the dipole to measure the typical metal split ring structure of the metamaterial. The measurement of the distribution of magnetic fields contributes to revealing the interaction mechanism between electromagnetic waves and metamaterials as well as the relationship between microscopic structural elements and macroscopic electromagnetic properties.
Yingyi Qi, Zehua Gao, Chuwen Lan, Maopeng Wu, and Qian Zhao, "Vector Magnetic Near-Field Measurement in Unit Cell of Metamaterial," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 92, 127-136, 2020.

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